Episode 2 : Chanii Lanfleur's Diary
Prior to Resurrection Chanii Lanfleur, Barbarian Sable Rider from Adari in Shadows Dance Yelmalio Initiate (Kuschile). Runes: Sun+Truth Born: 1596 Sea/Harmony/Godday [snip childhood] ... at 20 took to travelling, wishing to become a warrior priestess. During attack on chaos caravan was fatally wounded - again Yelm was kind - a shaman was able to return spirit to body. Vowed to actively fight darkness in any way possible [snip] In Elkoi a wish for attuned gold was granted by Yelm the Almighty and I had a gold spear head worked by dwarven adventurers... Betrayed by baboons - turned on the party. Heard that Lunars were trying to take of Dykene, Trylos. Raid trolls tomb (died - but resurrected [with Selenya] by healing bracelet). [snip] Rescue Rune Lady from festering isle. [Lost 2pt App from Gorp - later cured] Desecrate Vivamort Krimson Bat Temple in mountain (for king). Left to find money - old Vivamort tomb. Successfully desecrated. Found money (and fire crystal). [Killed by Walktapi] Fireday / Truth / Fire 1617 After Resurrection Diary - Chanii Lanfleur (extracts) 1618 Fi/Tr/Sea: The date from which I can remember. Before that my life is dim and seems unimportant. I must find the crystal necklace. 1618 Wa/Ha/Fire: Learnt first Rune Spell (Catseye). Start of dreams. I feel there is something I must do. 1618 Wi/Fe/Fire: They have let me take the fire crystal. now I am forced to obtain a gold earring - [it feels like] whatever manipulates me knows my weakness. Undated: Found Islet with treasure, guarded by wyrms (I attacked Selenya). Undated: Selenya leaves with Tornya to find here home. I feel I have lost more than my memory tells. Undated: Earrings worn by Dryad, must collect berries from Griffin mountain (Hostility toward me rises). Undated: I have had a Vision from Yelm. They will not believe me, they do not trust me. I have no friends. Undated: Sometimes at night I feel that [I] would rather be dead than live this life, I do not feel [that] it belongs to me. Undated: One day I will release the Sun's fire. Undated: [Ea/De/God: ?] I cannot remember writing the previous entry - I wish I was free (met Kalad). Undated: [Ea/St/Clay: ?] On the return from Griffin Mountain we are attacked by Griffins, then by undead led by a creature called Shargran. Undated: Learnt 3 more Rune Spells - Trained for 21 weeks. I think now I can trust Sasha the star "warrior" and Kalad. Undated: Donate 100W to temple 1619 Go/Ha/Sea: Turn 23. Become eligible to be a Rune Priestess, decline for the moment. I would like to [...becomes illegible] Undated: Bonnie, Aran and the other woman found that Bonnie's man was Shalgran and a map. We leave to investigate Undated: The place was an old temple. We found a page with a strange message - it seems that Sasha is on this quest too. Today I also found who I could trust: A broo, hideously deformed fought against us - Bonnie would not fight and the others were slow in coming to aid me. Aran was mortally wounded twice - and then to die later from the sword that sucked his soul from his body. I feel I should grieve more than I do. Undated: Get back to Dykene. Wish I knew what to do Undated: [Personal entry] Undated: [Personal entry] Undated: I've decided to follow after Selenya. My memory is returning - I remember Selenya, the gold from the sky. Remember the river-bank wondering who I would marry... Undated: [Personal entry] 1619 Fi/De/Fire: Saw him [Kalad] today - we fight in the war tomorrow. I asked him to marry me - he accepted. We set the date for Fi/Tr/Fire. Undated: We Won! Undated: Asked Alexander to give me away at the wedding. He fought well in the war. The dwarves will be there too. [snip] Undated: Donated 200W to [the] temple in exchange for gold - Dwarves take it to be worked. Undated: Sasha returned, she was upset - we talked. 1619 Fi/Tr/Fire Today I was married to Kalad. Reception was a great success, also I became Rune Priestess Undated: Spent two weeks away from [everyone else]. Visited Kalad's parents. Undated: Began journey to Prax. Met rest of of Party in [name obscured]. Paygor has left. Met two dwarves who invited themselves along. Undated: Went on expidition to return missing children Undated: I'm in Pavis - I haven't attacked one troll - and I'm several months behind on my diary. 1620 Wa/Di/Fire: We return to Pavis with the gold ring. [snip] 1620 Wa/Di/Fire + 1: [Personal Entry. On this day Chanii returns to the troll stronghold, narrowly surviving the experience] 1620 Fi/Tr/Fire Went to Sun County, stayed here for High Holy Day. Received a grant of land. Arrange to have house build (5000L invested). 1620 Wa/De/Earth Went to Ballastor's Barracks. A prayer to Yelmalio restores him to the Temple in Pavis. I wonder if we should continue this - perhaps it is time to settle down. 1621 Wi/Fe/Earth Anarion Anor [Lanfleur] was born. Odd note at bottom of character sheet: Yelmalio to Wed Firshalla on Fi/Tr/Fi 1621 A pity I haven't any notes from the Cradle - that was a pretty epic (and gross) adventure as I recall. :) | |||
(c) 1985 Kevin Spencer - Dave's Runequest Campaign |
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