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Dr. David J. Schwartz, long regarded as one of the foremost experts on motivation, will help you sell better, manage better, earn more money, and find greater happiness and peace of mind. The Magic of Thinking Big gives you useful methods, not empty promises. Dr. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your marriage and family life, and your community. He proves that you don't need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction, but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there. This book gives you those secrets! - Believe you can succeed and you will - Cure yourself of the fear of failure - Think and dream creatively - You are what you think you are - Make your attitudes your allies - Learn how to think positively - Turn defeat into victory - Use goals to help you grow - Think like a leader.

First published in 1968, Og Mandino's classic remains an invaluable guide to a philosophy of salesmanship. A parable set in the time just prior to Christianity. Og Mandino uses the story of Hafid, a young camel boy that lived in biblical times, to promote the values that he wishes to extend to the reader. These values are presented to Hafid in the form of ten scrolls who is then instructed to read each scroll three times a day for thirty days before proceeding on to the next scroll. This method is intended to help Hafid internalize the principles. Read the book straight through, then go back and study the scrolls.

What you are today is not important, for in this runaway bestseller you will learn how to change your life by applying the secrets you are about to discover in the ancient scrolls. The original Greatest Salesman in the World follows the great salesman Hafid's life before and after he reads the 10 scrolls of selling success. In this quite similar sequel, the scrolls of success are lost in a shipwreck, and Hafid is divinely called to write 10 new scrolls in order to replace the old ones. The new scrolls emphasize these main points: - Never again will I belittle myself - I won't start the day without a map - I will be enthusiastic - I will never be unpleasant to others - I will look for triumph in adversity - I will do my best on every task - I will focus completely on the task at hand - I will never wait for opportunity, instead I will seek it - Each night, I will reflect on what I did, and think about how I can improve - I will pray to the creator in success and failure.

This grandfather of all people-skills books was first published in 1937. It was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies. The book is split into four parts, handling people, making people like you, making people view a situation to your way of thinking, and about how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. The book goes over principles. A principle in the book is a specific piece of advice that will help in a situation that will benefit both the user and the receiver. The principles all work together to create a way to successfully complete the objective of that specific part. The book not only gives advice about how to handle certain situations, but also gives many real life examples of how they are put to use and how they have worked. All this accumulates to a better understanding of how the principle relates to a regular person in the business or personal world. Each principle is reinforced with real life examples of how they have workedand each chapter ends with a footer that always gives a brief synopsis in what the chapter is trying to teach. As we, human beings, are more social than ever this book is more relevant than ever.

How can you improve your relationship with your children and more effectively parent them? Florence Littauer helps you identify, understand, and meet each child's unique needs. If you read this book you will discover that not everyone has the same perspective as you and why.

Life Strategies and Relationship Rescue, forced readers to take a serious look at the excuses they had so long been clinging to as to why they were not happy, not successful, and not enjoying their one chance at living. Now, Dr. Phil takes those lessons a great leap further and explores one of the most challenging questions facing us all: When you look in the mirror, who is truly hiding beneath that face? Instead of taking a surface look at the way we live our lives, Dr. Phil demystifies how your self-concept came to be and gives a nuts-and-bolts approach to creating a new plan for living and, in turn, for discovering the real you. Key questions and an amazingly clear "map" are now at your fingertips to begin your journey to "Live by Design." These are questions that, with the help of this book, you can answer and bring into action-oriented focus - What are the ten most defining moments of your life? What are the seven most critical choices you have made to put you on your current path? Who are the five most pivotal people in your world and how have they shaped you?

It's virtually impossible not feel happy after reading Siimon's book. For the short time that it takes to read, the information that it gives concerning mood elevation is extremely beneficial to anyone at any level. The value that this book can bring to someone in a negative frame of mind can not be underestimated. For those people that need the formula to get themselves back on track after a little set back, honestly this book will bring a smile back to your face...which often is all that you need to get started again.

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