iRossco Store Dungeons and Dragons Races 3.5
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This supplement is intended for players who want to play drow characters and Dungeon Masters who want to run D&D adventures and campaigns featuring drow. It provides the definitive treatise on the drow, arguably the D&D game's most evocative evil race. Everything you want to know about drow and their subterranean homeland, as well as some things you didn't want to know, can be found in this tome.

A comprehensive look at undead creatures and characters in the D&D world. It includes information on playing undead characters and how to run or battle undead in a fight. There is new information on traditional undead creatures (liches, zombies, and so on), new monsters and information on customizing monsters to any adventure. There are new rules, feats, spells, and prestige classes, and ready-to-run undead characters for instant play. Extensive story and campaign elements and flavour information add interest and dimension to playing or fighting undead.

Detailing humans, half-orcs, half-elves, and other "almost human" exotic races that populate the D&D world. Often more strange or bizarre than completely distinct races, these half-races showcase the unusual combinations of abilities and cultures possible in a fantasy setting. New races, new rules, feats, spells, and magic items attuned to each race. The book contains material for players and DMs alike, including new prestige classes, rules for interaction between races, and a wealth of cultural information.

The Blood of Dragons Flows through Your Veins. In ages past, dragons ruled supreme. Now their distant scions, the races and individuals who carry their blood, live among the great empires of the world, where they forge their own glorious legacies. Embrace your draconic heritage, and the spoils of the world can be yours! This provides detailed information on the psychology, society, culture, behavior, religion, and folklore of the dragonblooded races, including kobolds and half-dragons. Introduces two new player character races, the dragonborn (existing characters reborn in a new draconic form to combat and destroy the spawn of Tiamat) and the spellscales (artistic, philosophical beings with a penchant for sorcery and a thirst for new experiences). There are new prestige classes, feats, spells, magic items, equipment, and guidelines for crafting adventures and campaigns involving dragonblooded races.

This details various races that dwell in wilderness. There is extensive information on the classic races of elves and halflings, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition to information on the two major races, a new race is introduced. There is expanded information on sub-races, along with a wealth of cultural information and new prestige classes, feats, equipment, spells, and magic items.

This details various races that live on, under, or around mountains in the D&D world. There is extensive information on the classic races of gnomes and dwarves, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition, there are new races, over 20 new prestige classes, over 40 new feats, new equipment, and new magic items.

This slip-covered gift set contains three supplements that expand the core race options for the D&D roleplaying game: Races of Stone, Races of Destiny, and Races of the Wild. Choosing a race is one of the most fundamental steps in creating a character, and for the first time the supplements that focus on this important area have been collected in one set.

Dungeons and Dragons 4.0
Dungeons and Dragons 3.0
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (2nd Ed)
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons


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