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These pages are a collection of useful links to a variety of information sources and hobbies which I have found fascinating. These links will save you time when searching for these materials.
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Japanese Anime - When Neon Genesis Evangelion was on TV, I was engrossed, I wanted to watch more, I wanted more to watch. Having just bought a DVD player I started looking around for where I could get these types of DVDs, having always had excellent service in the past from when I bought books I started there. There are so many movies and series, where do you start? Well, I start my search at

Osprey Books - When I have been gaming, I found that Osprey books were immensely useful in providing painting guides of period uniforms and a brief history of the regiments. They set out quite intricately what regiments there were, their service history and their regimental uniform colours. For example Men-at-Arms 141 Napoleon's Line Infantry book, shows the evolution of the line infantry's uniform during the Napoleonic era, provides the uniform colour guide for each line regiment, details the soldier's uniforms colours down to jacket, breeches, epaulettes, cuffs, plumes, cords, etc. Even better, included are 8 full colour plates by professional artists depicting examples of these officers and soldiers. The first place I look for these books is

Dungeons and Dragons - When I have been playing roleplaying games I have found that there are a complex array of skills, spells, classes, etc, as well as different versions of the game. I have found the following downloads of the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Quick Reference Sheets to be immensly useful in simplifying the game system. Everything is on about two pages. I get these guides at Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Quick Reference Sheets.

How to mix cocktails - Ever wondered what goes into all those different cocktail recipes that are available from bars? A surprising array of cocktails are possible based on combinations of mixers. They range wildly in name, colour, flavour and texture. All are designed to delight the drinker and bring about a pleasant warm feeling inside. Well, the first place that I look to get these recipes is

BoardGamesAreFun - Ever been looking for that hard to find fun boardgame to add to your collection, then try

Patent Searching - Most of my job involves patent searching for prior disclosures of inventions everyday. What I found was that with the rapid increase of patent databases on the Internet, I didn't have an easy to use starting point - so a patent searching page evolved. These are simple listings of quick links to all the patent databases on the Internet. If you want to do a search, you only need go to one page, and select the database and entry point you want with a single click. As most people don't do this everyday, like I do, there is some starter help and information pages to assist. They give help on the syntax and what each database covers. However like most of the search engines these days, the patent search databases have become fairly easy to use, just type in some of the words of your invention and they will return similar inventions. I usually start with the United States Patent Office as they have over 2 million patents full text searchable.

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